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The Large Queen Nutcracker
Our Nutcracker Range is made from 9mm raw Australian MDF. The Nutcracker will come to you un-assembled and unpainted.
Be daring and paint your nutcracker in your family colours. You don’t have family colours – how about the colours of your Christmas theme - it’s fun.
If you think you cannot put the Queen Nutcracker together, you definitely can – it’s easier than you think. We supply a diagram showing where all the pieces go. There are lines and marks on the body telling you where not to paint or glue.
Queen Nutcracker’s Body comes in two pieces and is held firmly together with plates, bolts and tee nuts (pre-fitted) - ready for a quick dismantle. Your Nutcracker stands at just over 1430mm (143cm) from base to the top of her Crown. The base is made from 3 layers of 9mm MDF and is rigid and safe. All the extra pieces that make up the body are cut from 3mm MDF. We will supply you with the correct glue for assembly.
We have had many customers send us photos of their nutcrackers painted, some even used feathers for their hair and the feather plume on their hat. Let your imagination take control – go on, let it run wild - you will be surprised. And if you don’t like the colour – just paint over it.
In the gallery you will see some of our customer’s photos. Some have attached additional hair and jewels to their nutcrackers! This year an award for the best finished Nutcracker will be awarded. Award and time to be advised. The award will apply to all Nutcrackers – large or small.
The MDF we use is supplied by a reputable Australian company. The board is classed as E0 – zero emission – this means it is safe in your home and will not emit odours or gases.
Please note: This product is not made for outdoor weather. It is meant to be placed inside your home or under cover away from rain or water as moisture will affect the MDF.
The Small Queen Nutcracker
All that applies to The Large Queen Nutcracker applies to The Small Queen Nutcracker with a few exceptions. Her height is 495mm (49.5cm) and her body is in one piece with no need to bolt her together.
The small Queen Nutcracker’s body is made from 9mm MDF, making her strong and not flimsy. Like her bigger self she is easy to assemble and paint